



晨犀是由一土(北京)网络科技有限公司(以下称一土网络)开发、运营的一款数字化教育支持系统,一土网络同意按照本协议的规定提供产品服务。 如需获得一土网络的服务,请您务必审慎阅读、充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款、法律适用和争议解决条款。免除或者限制责任的条款将以粗体下划线标识,请重点阅读。如您对协议有任何疑问,可向晨犀客服(support@etutech.com)咨询。

1. 协议订立

当您按照登录、注册页面提示填写信息、阅读并同意本协议且完成全部注册程序后, 即表示已充分阅读、理解并接受本协议的全部内容,并与晨犀达成一致,成为晨犀用户。阅读本协议的过程中,如果您不同意本协议或其中任何条款约定,您应立即停止注册、登录程序。

2. 协议变更

在您签署本协议之后,此文本可能因国家政策、产品以及履行本协议的环境发生变化而进行修改,修改后的协议将公布在晨犀网站上。若您对修改后的协议有异议,请立即停止登录、使用晨犀产品及服务,若您登录或继续使用晨犀产品或服务,视为对修改后的协议予以认可。一土网络对您的一切行为、 争议应依据具体行为、争议发生时最新生效版本的《晨犀用户协议》作出并进行解释。

3. 用户账号及密码的保管


4. 具有完全民事权利能力与行为能力




1. 晨犀:由一土(北京)网络科技有限公司(以下称一土网络)开发、运营的一款数字化教育支持系统。

2. 用户:指接受晨犀提供服务的公众。


1. 您应当通过晨犀指定途径,注册晨犀帐户(下简称:帐户)以成为用户,晨犀帐户一经注册成功,注册时所提供

2. 您有权使用您设置或确认的晨犀用户账号登录晨犀产品。

3. 您注册帐户时,应提供合法、真实、有效的注册信息,并遵守相关协议、规则等的约束。

4. 为保障本服务的合法性及安全性,您不得违反本协议约定将您的帐号用于其他目的,包括但不限于使用您的帐号为第三方应用申请本服务等。否则,一土网络有权随时单方限制、中止或终止向您及/或您所登记的应用提供本服务,且未经一土网络同意您及/或您所登记的应用不得再次使用本服务。

5. 您在晨犀的账号不得以任何方式转让,否则一土网络有权追究您的违约责任,且由此产生的一切责任均由您承担。

6. 您注册帐户,是您登录及使用本服务的凭证。您应当做好对该用户名、密码等的保密措施。因您保密措施不当或您的其他行为,致使上述用户名、密码等丢失或泄漏所引起的一切损失和后果,均由您自行承担。

7. 若您发现有他人冒用或盗用您的帐户及密码、或任何其他未经您合法授权的情形时,应立即以有效方式通知一土网络(包括但不限于提供您的身份信息和相关身份资料、相关事实情况及您的要求等)。一土网络收到您的有效请求并核实身份后,会根据不同情况采取相应措施。若您提供的信息不完全,导致一土网络无法核实您的身份或一土网络无法判断您的需求等,而导致一土网络无法进行及时处理,给您带来的损失,您应自行承担。同时,一土网络对您的请求采取措施需要合理期限,对于您通知一土网络以及一土网络根据您的有效通知采取措施之前,由于他人行为给您造成的损失,一土网络不承担任何责任。

8. 您理解并同意,在法律有明确规定要求一土网络作为网络服务提供者必须对用户的信息进行核实的情况下, 一土网络可以依法不时地对您的信息进行检查核实,包括但不限于技术水平审查、安全水平审查、主体资质审查等,并根据审查结果向您提出防入侵、防病毒等措施建议。您应当配合提供最新、真实、完整、有效的信息。若您的信息系统仍无法符合保护用户数据安全的要求,一土网络有权拒绝或终止提供本服务。

9. 存在以下任一条件时,一土网络可向您发出询问或要求整改的通知,并要求您进行重新认证, 直至中止、终止对您提供部分或全部晨犀产品与服务, 一土网络对此不承担责任,您将承担对您自身、他人及一土网络造成的全部损失与不利后果。

9.1. 一土网络按您最后一次提供的信息与您联系未果;

9.2. 您未按一土网络的要求及时提供信息;

9.3. 您提供的信息存在明显不实;

9.4. 司法行政机关核实您提供的信息无效。

10. 为使您更好地使用一土网络的各项服务,保障您的账号安全,一土网络可要求您按我国法律规定完成实名认证。


1. 您注册的晨犀帐户所有权归一土网络所有,您完成申请注册手续后,仅获得帐户的使用权,且该使用权仅属于初始申请注册人。

2. 您通过第三方平台账号登录晨犀产品,晨犀任何时候均不会主动要求您提供您的第三方平台账号、密码或手机短信验证码, 建议您务必自行保管好您的第三方平台账号与密码。

3. 因您主动泄露账号或因您遭受他人攻击、诈骗等行为导致的损失及后果,一土网络对此不承担责任,您应通过司法、行政等途径向侵权行为人追偿。

4. 除一土网络存在过错外,您应对您账号下的所有行为结果(包括但不限于在线发布信息或其他服务及披露信息等)负责。

5. 如发现任何未经授权使用您账号登录晨犀产品或其他可能导致您账号遭窃、遗失的情况, 建议您立即通知一土网络。您理解一土网络对您的任何请求采取行动均需要合理时间, 且一土网络应您的请求而采取的行动可能无法避免或阻止侵害后果的形成或扩大,除一土网络存在法定过错外,一土网络不承担责任。

五、 信息保护及例外

1. 信息保护

一土网络非常重视用户个人信息的保护,在您使用一土网络提供的服务时, 您同意一土网络按照公布的隐私权政策收集、存储、保护、使用和披露您的个人信息。 保护用户隐私和其他个人信息是一土网络的一项基本政策,一土网络保证不会将您的注册资料及您在使用晨犀时存储在晨犀的非公开内容用于任何用途。此外您需要特别注意以下几点:

1.1. 请您勿在使用晨犀产品与服务过程中透露您的各类财产帐户、银行卡、信用卡、第三方支付账号及对应密码等重要资料,否则由此带来的任何损失由您自行承担;

1.2. 您的注册信息是一土网络的重要保护内容,一土网络将采取必要的技术保护措施。但由于互联网的开放性以及技术的迅猛发展,可能因第三方因素导致您的信息泄漏,一土网络对此不承担责任;

1.3. 晨犀的服务具有公开性,若您将个人隐私信息上传、发表至晨犀上,或通过记录、通知等晨犀服务传播给其他人,由此引起隐私的泄漏,一土网络对此不承担责任;

1.4. 由于您将账号信息告知他人或与他人共享账号,由此导致的任何个人隐私的泄漏,一土网络对此不承担责任;

1.5. 若您是未成年人,您在晨犀上发表或上传信息前,应取得监护人同意或与监护人一同完成。

2. 信息保护的例外


2.1. 您自行在网络上公开的信息或其他已合法公开的个人信息;

2.2. 以合法渠道获取的个人信息;

2.3. 事先获得您的明确授权;

2.4. 为维护社会公共利益;

2.5. 一土网络或学校、科研机构等基于公共利益为学术研究或统计的目的,且公开方式不足以识别特定自然人;

2.6. 您侵害一土网络合法权益,为维护前述合法权益且在必要范围内;

2.7. 根据相关政府主管部门司法机关或根据相关法律法规和政策的要求。


1. 用户权利与义务

1.1. 您有权决定并有义务自行管理您在晨犀平台上所创建的相关图文、音频、视频等信息、资料。

1.2. 您应按本协议约定的方式合法使用晨犀提供的服务,遵守国家有关法律、法规、行政规定,不得利用晨犀提供的服务在互联网上从事国家法律法规所禁止的活动,不得为他人提供任何便利或发布不符合国家规定的信息内容,并对所有经由学校负责人账号上传到一土网络平台上的内容承担监管职责。一土网络不承担因学校负责人未按本协议规定的方式或以非法的方式使用而造成服务不能有效获得的后果。

1.3. 您对使用一土网络提供的服务所引起的任何经济、政治、法律等责任负完全责任。您同意除由于一土网络原因导致外,如发生上述事件,与一土网络没有任何关系,一土网络也不应对此或对第三方承担任何责任或者义务。

1.4. 您承诺视频、音频、文件、图片等进行全面检查、逐一过滤;并承诺彻底清理涉黄涉恐音视频等有害信息,关闭传播涉黄涉恐宣传视频的注册账户。

1.5. 您不得从事任何包括但不限于以下的违反法规的行为,也不得为以下违反法规的行为提供便利(包括但不限于为您应用的用户的行为提供便利等):

1.5.1. 违反宪法或法律法规规定的;

1.5.2. 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;

1.5.3. 损害国家荣誉和利益的,损害公共利益的;

1.5.4. 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;

1.5.5. 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;

1.5.6. 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

1.5.7. 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;

1.5.8. 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

1.5.9. 侵害他人知识产权、商业秘密等合法权利的行为;

1.5.10. 恶意虚构事实、隐瞒真相以误导、欺骗他人的行为;

1.5.11. 发布、传送、传播广告信息及垃圾信息;

1.5.12. 含有法律、行政法规禁止的其他内容的。

1.6. 您不得使用以下方式登录晨犀平台或破坏晨犀平台所提供的服务:

1.6.1. 以任何机器人软件、蜘蛛软件、爬虫软件、刷屏软件或其它自动方式访问或登录晨犀平台;

1.6.2. 通过任何方式对本公司内部结构造成或可能造成不合理或不合比例的重大负荷的行为;

1.6.3. 通过任何方式干扰或试图干扰晨犀平台的正常工作或晨犀平台上进行的任何活动。

1.6.4. 您同意接收来自晨犀平台的信息,包括但不限于平台规则信息、活动信息、交易信息、促销信息等。

2. 晨犀的权利与义务

2.1. 晨犀应按照本协议及其附件的约定向用户提供服务。

2.2. 一土网络有权在以短信、网站公示、邮件、电话、书面任何一种方式通知您后,随时调整晨犀平台界面的排列,“晨犀”的名称及LOGO。

2.3. 双方约定:依据有关法律法规及管理部门要求,一土网络可监督您利用晨犀服务发布的内容,并可监督您利用晨犀服务从事的活动是否经过国家相关部门的认可、批准及备案。如发现您有违反本协议或有违法、违规行为,导致国家机关,包括但不限于公安机关、人民检察院、人民法院、通信管理局等对您采取法律措施,或晨犀收到第三方权利人对于您的主张时,晨犀有权在通知您后,暂停本协议项下的服务,待上述问题查清并处理完毕后再继续履行协议,或者随时提出终止协议,晨犀不对因此给您造成的损失负责。如因前述原因给晨犀造成相关损失,则该损失全部由您本人承担。

2.4. 如有关政府部门就您使用晨犀服务向一土网络下达涉及本协议项下的服务禁令或类似要求,且要求晨犀立即采取措施的,在保证您数据可恢复性的情况下,晨犀可先行处理而无需经过学校管理人员同意且无须因此而承担任何赔偿责任。

2.5. 如发生服务中断,一土网络不承担任何退款、补偿、违约、赔偿责任。

2.6. 会根据您选择的服务类型向您提供相应的服务。您理解并同意,基于用户体验、晨犀运营安全等综合因素,晨犀有权选择提供服务的对象,有权决定功能开放、数据接口和相关数据披露的对象和范围,并有权视具体情况中止或终止向存有包括但不限于以下情形的开发者或应用提供本服务:

2.6.1. 违反法律法规或本协议规定的;

2.6.2. 影响使用者体验的;

2.6.3. 存在安全隐患的;

2.6.4. 与晨犀已有主要功能或功能组件相似、相同,或可实现上述功能或功能组件的主要效用的;

2.6.5. 界面、风格、功能、描述或使用者体验与晨犀类似,可能造成晨犀商户误认为其所使用的功能或服务来源于晨犀或经晨犀授权的;

2.6.6. 违背晨犀运营原则,或不符合晨犀其他管理要求的。


1. 保密信息指一方不公开的信息,包括但不限于商业计划、客户名单、软件代码、技术数据、技术诀窍、产品构思、开发计划、职员名单、组织架构、操作手册、加工工艺、技术理论、发明创造、财务情况和其他在一方交付时约定为保密信息的资料(以下统称“保密信息”)。保密信息的表现形式包括但不限于:计算机数据形式;文字、图形、符号等书面形式或图片形式;记载声音、图像的其它媒体形式;口述传播形式。

2. 以下情况的保密信息披露不受本保密条款的约束:

2.1. 在接受保密信息以前已拥有或已获悉信息。

2.2. 已经成为公众所知的信息,除非这种公开是违反本协议的后果。

2.3. 依有管辖权的法院或政府部门的指令进行披露,但在这些情况下,接受方应在披露前告知被披露方,以使被披露方有机会抗辩、限制或防止此种事态的发生。

2.4. 一土网络可在本协议履行期限内以书面或口头方式公开您为其客户。


1. 除非双方另有书面约定,您承认一土网络向您提供的任何资料、软件、数据等的权利属于一土网络,您无权传播、转让、许可以及提供他人使用或共享这些资源,否则应承担由此给一土网络所造成的损失。

2. 无论本协议是否有其他约定,双方确认:晨犀向您提供的服务均不包含任何对于晨犀知识产权的转让、授权或许可等意思表示。

3. 在履行本协议期间,一土网络与您双方在使用对方按本协议约定授权的企业名称、商标、商号、品牌、域名和网站时,应当完全仅为双方在本协议中约定的内容服务,不得夹带其他业务内容或经营目的;双方在其自身宣传材料、名片、市场宣传、网站建设以及其他任何方面使用对方授权的名称、域名和网站,都必须事先书面通知对方,并获得对方的书面许可后方可进行。否则一方有权随时以书面形式通知另一方终止协议,且由另一方承担由此而产生的一切法律责任,并赔偿因此给对方或对方关联公司造成的损失。

4. 双方承诺在履行本协议期间及在本协议期满后不对对方拥有的商标、企业名称、域名等进行贬低或者其他任何损害,也不对对方互联网网页或者网站进行任何贬低、抄袭、歪曲、破坏或其他损害。如有发生,双方任何一方有权立即终止协议并保留法律诉讼的权利。

5. 未经对方书面授权,一方不得将对方授权己方使用的商号、品牌、域名、技术、软件、商业秘密等以自己的名义申请相关知识产权,否则除应将相关权利无偿转让给对方外,还应赔偿因此给对方或对方关联公司造成的全部损失。


1. 其他用户有权在晨犀平台对您发布的信息进行评论,就该评论中可能包含的负面信息给您造成的不利影响由您自行承担,一土网络不承担任何责任。

2. 您理解并同意:为了向您提供更完善的服务,一土网络有权定期或不定期地对提供本服务的平台或相关设备进行检修、维护、升级等,此类情况可能会造成相关服务在合理时间内中断或暂停,若由此给您造成损失的,您同意放弃追究一土网络的责任。

3. 您理解并同意:一土网络的服务是按照现有技术和条件所能达到的现状提供的。一土网络会尽最大努力向您提供服务,确保服务的连贯性和安全性;但一土网络不能保证其所提供的服务毫无瑕疵,也无法随时预见和防范法律、技术以及其他风险,包括但不限于不可抗力、病毒、木马、黑客攻击、系统不稳定、第三方服务瑕疵、政府行为等原因可能导致的服务中断、数据丢失以及其他的损失和风险。所以您也同意:即使一土网络提供的服务存在瑕疵,但上述瑕疵是当时行业技术水平所无法避免的,其将不被视为一土网络违约,同时,由此给您造成的数据或信息丢失等损失的,您同意放弃追究一土网络的责任。

4. 您理解并同意,一土网络不对因下述任一情况导致的任何损害赔偿承担责任,包括但不限于利润、商誉、使用、数据等方面的损失或其他无形损失的损害赔偿:

4.1. 一土网络有权基于单方判断,包含但不限于一土网络认为您已经违反本协议的明文规定及精神,暂停、中断或终止向您提供本服务或其任何部分,并移除您的资料。

4.2. 在必要时,一土网络无需事先通知即可终止提供本服务,并暂停、关闭或删除该账户及您账号中所有相关资料及档案,并将您滞留在该账户的全部合法资金退回到您的收款账户。


5.1. 晨犀在晨犀网站公告之系统停机维护期间。

5.2. 电信设备出现故障不能进行数据传输的。

5.3. 电信部门技术调整或故障、网站升级、第三方的问题(如微信)等原因而造成的服务中断或者延迟。

6. 您理解并同意:在使用本服务的过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使本服务发生中断。不可抗力是指不能预见、不能克服并不能避免且对一方或双方造成重大影响的客观事件,包括但不限于自然灾害如洪水、地震、瘟疫流行和风暴等以及社会事件如战争、动乱、政府行为等。出现上述情况时,一土网络将努力在第一时间与相关单位配合,及时进行修复,若由此给您造成损失的,您同意放弃追究一土网络的责任。

7. 您理解并同意:若由于对以下情形导致的服务中断或受阻,给您造成损失的,您同意放弃追究一土网络的责任:

7.1. 并非由于一土网络的故意而导致本服务未能提供的。

7.2. 由于您的故意或过失导致您及 / 或任何第三方遭受损失的

7.3. 受到计算机病毒、木马或其他恶意程序、黑客攻击的破坏;

7.4. 您或一土网络的电脑软件、系统、硬件和通信线路出现故障;

7.5. 您操作不当;

7.6. 您通过非一土网络授权的方式使用本服务;

7.7. 其他一土网络无法控制或合理预见的情形

7.8. 因不可抗力造成的一土网络服务不可用。

8. 由于您违反国家法律规定,一土网络有权随时根据国家相关管理机构的要求,或其他第三方权利主体出具的具备法律效力的公函证明、司法文件等所载明的强制性责任,随时暂停或终止向您提供服务,您同意由此引起的一切后果和责任与一土网络无关。对于因此造成您损失的,一土网络无须承担任何责任。

9. 您确认,一土网络服务过程中仅对数据进行分发、传输、缓存等工作,而不对数据本身进行加工。如您在使用一土网络提供的服务过程中,发生侵权或违反国家法律、法规或公共道德的行为,基于《信息网络传播权保护条例》等法律法规规定,您认可此与一土网络无关,一土网络对此不承担任何责任。基于云加速的技术特点,一土网络在向您源站点自动获取或由您主动推送的加速内容,您应自行采取备份措施,即您应对原始数据进行妥善备份。对于您源站点的原始数据损失,一土网络不承担任何责任。

10. 双方确认,在履行本协议时,协议签订双方仅对协议相对方负责而无需对双方之外的任意第三方承担责任或履行义务。一土网络对因第三方的作为或不作为而给您或者其他第三方造成的损失不负责任,对通过您间接接受一土网络服务的第三方的损失不承担任何责任。

11. 本协议免责条款在本协议终止后仍然有效。


1. 如您在使用一土网络提供的服务过程中,违反本协议约定,发生侵权或违反国家法律、法规或公共道德之行为,一土网络有权应相关主管部门之要求在通知您更正的同时暂时中断服务,或在收到相关权利人之主张后通知您整改并保留暂停服务的权利,直至您整改至主管部门满意或您提供充分之不侵权或不违法之证明后再行恢复;如情节严重,或发生违规三次以上,一土网络有权在通知您后立即单方解除协议,您自行承担由此产生的损失及不利后果。如因此造成一土网络的声誉损害或相关业务/资质被限制等连带损失,一土网络有权要求您赔偿。

2. 如果一土网络发现或收到他人举报或投诉您违反本协议约定的,一土网络有权不经通知随时对相关内容进行删除、屏蔽,并视行为情节对违规帐号处以包括但不限于警告、限制或禁止使用部分或全部功能、帐号封禁直至注销的处罚,并公告处理结果。

3. 您理解并同意,一土网络有权依合理判断对违反有关法律法规或本协议规定的行为进行处罚,对违法违规的任何用户采取适当的法律行动,并依据法律法规保存有关信息向有关部门报告等,您应独自承担由此而产生的一切法律责任。

4. 因您的过错导致的任何损失由您自行承担,该过错包括但不限于:不按照提示操作,遗忘或泄漏密码,密码被他人破解,您使用的计算机被他人侵入。

5. 因您未及时更新资料,导致本服务不能提供或提供时发生任何错误,您须自行承担因此产生的一切后果,一土网络不承担任何责任。

6. 如一土网络发现您存在欺诈、套现等违反法律、法规规定、本协议或相关服务条款或存在一土网络认为不适当的行为,一土网络有权根据情节严重程度,对您处以警告、限制或禁止使用部分或全部功能、封禁您商户账户等处罚;由此导致或产生第三方主张的任何索赔、要求或损失,须由您自行承担一切损失,与一土网络无关;如一土网络因此也遭受损失的,您也应当一并赔偿。

7. 即使本服务终止,您仍应对您使用本服务期间的一切行为承担可能的违约或损害赔偿责任。

十一、 附则

1. 本协议的签订地为北京市朝阳区。

2. 本协议自您在勾选“我已阅读并同意《一土网络服务协议》”时生效,有效期涵盖双方整个合作期限。除非双方另有约定,本协议在您使用本服务期间持续有效。

3. 一土网络可能不断发布的关于本服务的其他相关协议、规则等内容。上述内容一经正式发布,即为本协议不可分割的组成部分,您同样应当遵守。上述内容与本协议存在冲突的,以本协议为准。一经注册或使用本协议下任何服务,即视为您已阅读并同意接受本协议及上述内容的约束。一土网络有权在必要时单方修改本协议或上述内容,相关内容变更后,如果您继续使用本服务,即视为您已接受修改后的相关内容。如果您不接受修改后的相关内容,应当停止使用相关服务。

4. 一土网络于您过失或违约时放弃本协议规定的权利的,不得视为其对您的其它或以后同类之过失或违约行为弃权。

5. 一土网络可能会以网页公告、网页提示、电子邮箱、手机短信、您注册的本服务账号的管理系统内发送站内信等方式中的一种或多种,向您送达关于本服务的各种规则、通知、提示等信息,该等信息一经一土网络采取前述任何一种方式公布或发送,即视为您已经接受并同意,对您产生约束力。若您不接受的,请您停止使用晨犀,否则视为您已经接受、同意。由于您提供的电子邮箱、手机号码、通讯地址等信息错误,导致您未收到相关规则、通知、提示等信息的,您同意仍然视为您已经收到相关信息并受其约束,一切后果及责任由您自行承担。

6. 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律(不包括冲突法)。

7. 因本协议产生之争议,双方应首先协商解决;双方未能以诚意协商解决的,任何一方均应将纠纷或争议提交本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院管辖。

8. 本协议的拟定、解释均以中文为准。除双方另有约定外,任何有关本协议的翻译不得作为解释本协议或判定双方当事人意图之依据。

9. 如本协议的任何条款被视作无效或无法执行,则上述条款可被分离,其余条款则仍具有法律效力。

10. 本协议所有条款的标题仅为阅读方便,本身并无实际涵义,不能作为本协议涵义解释的依据。

11. 本协议最终解释权及修订权归一土网络所有。

Thank you for using amRhino's product service.

As of the date of this agreement, the “amRhino Service Agreement” mentioned on the amRhino website and the Chennao customer refers to this agreement.

In order to protect your rights, please read the specific terms of each clause carefully. The headings of all the terms of this Agreement are for convenience only and have no practical meaning and should not be used as a basis for explaining the meaning of this Agreement.

I. Introduction and agreement
amRhino is a digital education support system developed and operated by ETU Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ETU Network). ETU Network agrees to provide products and services in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. In order to obtain Internet services, please be sure to read and fully understand the terms and conditions, especially the disclaimer or limitation of liability, legal application and dispute resolution provisions. The exemption or limitation of liability will be marked in bold, please read. If you have any questions about this agreement, you can contact amRhino Customer Service (support@etutech.com).

1. protocol
When you fill out the information according to the login information, the registration page will prompt, read and agree to this agreement and complete all registration procedures, which means that you have fully read, understood and accepted all the contents of this agreement, and reached an agreement with it. Rhino user in the morning. In the course of reading this Agreement, if you do not agree to this Agreement or any of its terms, you should immediately stop registering and logging in.

2. Agreement changes
After signing this Agreement, this document may be subject to change due to changes in national policies, products, and the environment in which this Agreement is implemented. The revised agreement will be posted on the Chennao website. If you do not agree to the revised agreement, please stop logging in and use Chennao's products and services immediately. If you log in or continue to use Chennao products or services, you will be deemed to have approved the revised agreement. All acts and disputes of the Internet shall be interpreted and interpreted in accordance with the specific behavior and latest version of the "Chen Xiu User Agreement" at the time of the dispute.

3. Retain user accounts and passwords
After registering the morning rhino, your account name and password are your responsibility. You are legally responsible for all activities and events performed in this account.

4. Ability to have full civil rights and abilities
When you register for a morning rhino account, you should ensure that you are a natural person, legal person or other organization with legally required civil and civil capacity. If you do not have the above conditions, you should immediately terminate your registration or stop registering. Use this service.

II. the definition
Unless otherwise stated, the following terms in this Agreement refer to:

1. Morning Rhino: A digital education support system developed and operated by Ito (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ETU.com).

2. User: refers to the public who accepts the services provided by Morning Rhinoceros.

III, account registration
1. You should register your morning rhino account (hereinafter referred to as the account) as a user by the way the morning rhinos are designated. After the successful registration of the rhino account in the morning, it will be provided at the time of registration.

2. You have the right to log into the morning rhinoceros product using the morning rhino user account you set or confirm.

3. When registering an account, you should provide legal, authentic and valid registration information, and abide by relevant agreements, rules, etc.

4. In order to protect the legality and security of this service, you may not use your account for other purposes in violation of this Agreement, including but not limited to using your account to request this service for third party applications. Otherwise, ETU Network reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate the right to provide services to you and/or your registered application, and you may not use the Service again without your consent and/or your registered application.

5. Your account at amRhino cannot be transferred in any way, otherwise ETU Network has the right to pursue your breach of contract and all responsibility arising therefrom is borne by you.

6. Your registered account is the certificate for your login and use of the service. You should keep your username, password, etc. confidential. All losses and consequences resulting from the loss or disclosure of the above username, password, etc. are at your own risk due to improper confidentiality.
7. If you discover that someone has fraudulently misappropriated or misappropriated your account and password, or any other circumstances that are not legally authorized by you, you should immediately notify the Internet (including but not limited to providing your identity information and related information) in a valid manner. Identity information, relevant facts and your requirements, etc.). After receiving a valid request and verifying your identity, ETU Network will take corresponding measures according to different situations. If the information provided by you is incomplete, it will be impossible for you to verify your identity or the network cannot determine your needs. As a result, the network cannot be processed in time, and you will bear the loss. At the same time, a network requires a reasonable period of time to take action on your request. You will not be liable for any loss caused by the actions of others before you notify the Internet and a network to take action based on your effective notice. .

8. You understand and agree that in the event that the law clearly requires that a network of networks as a network service provider must verify the user's information, a network can check and verify your information from time to time, including but not It is limited to technical level review, safety level review, subject qualification review, etc., and according to the results of the review, it proposes measures against intrusion and anti-virus. You should cooperate to provide up-to-date, true, complete and effective information. If your information system still cannot meet the requirements for protecting user data security, ETU Network has the right to refuse or terminate the service.

9. If there is any of the following conditions, the website can send you a notice or request for rectification notice, and ask you to re-certify, until the suspension or termination of some or all of your morning rhinoceros products and services, This is not responsible, you will bear all the losses and adverse consequences for you, others and a network.

9.1. ETU Network failed to contact you according to the information you provided last time;

9.2. You did not provide timely information as required by the Internet website;

9.3. The information you provide is obviously untrue;

9.4. The Judicial Administration verifies that the information you provided is invalid.

10. In order to make better use of the services of a network, and to protect the security of your account, ETU Network can require you to complete real-name certification in accordance with the laws of China.

IV. Account Ownership and Security Specifications
1. Your registered amRhino account is owned by ETU. After you complete the application process, you only get the right to use the account, and the right to use is only the initial applicant.

2. You log in to the morning rhinoceros product through a third-party platform account. At any time, the morning rhinoceros will not ask you to provide your third-party platform account number, password or SMS verification code. It is recommended that you keep your third-party platform account. With password.

3. Due to your volitional disclosure of accounts or losses and consequences caused by other people's attacks, frauds, etc., the company is not responsible for this, you should seek compensation from the infringers through judicial, administrative and other means.

4. Except for the fault of the Internet, you are responsible for all behavioral results (including but not limited to online postings or other services and disclosures) under your account.

5. If you find any unauthorized use of your account to log in to the morning rhinoceros product or other circumstances that may result in your account being stolen or lost, we recommend that you immediately notify the Internet. You understand that it takes a reasonable amount of time for a network to take action on any of your requests, and the actions taken by a network at your request may not prevent or prevent the formation or expansion of the consequences of the violation, except for the legal fault of the Internet. A soil network is not responsible.

V. Information protection and exceptions
Information protection

ETU Network attaches great importance to the protection of users' personal information. When you use the services provided by ETU Network, you agree that ETU Network will collect, store, protect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the published privacy policy. Protecting user privacy and other personal information is a basic policy of the Internet. One network guarantees that your registration information and the non-public content you store in the morning rhinoceros when you use the morning rhinoceros will not be used for any purpose. In addition, you need to pay special attention to the following points:

1.1. Please do not disclose your various property accounts, bank cards, credit cards, third-party payment accounts and corresponding passwords during the use of the morning rhinoceros products and services, otherwise any losses caused by you will be borne by you. ;

1.2. Your registration information is an important protection content of the Internet, and the local network will take the necessary technical protection measures. However, due to the openness of the Internet and the rapid development of technology, your information may be leaked due to third-party factors.

1.3. Morning Rhino's service is open. If you upload and post your personal privacy information to the morning rhinoceros, or spread it to others through records, notifications, etc., it will cause privacy leakage. Not liable;

1.4. ETU Network is not responsible for any leakage of personal privacy caused by your account information being shared with others or shared with others;

1.5. If you are a minor, you should obtain the consent of the guardian or complete with the guardian before posting or uploading information on the morning rhinoceros.

2. Exceptions to information protection

Protecting user privacy and other personal information is a basic policy of the Internet. A network guarantees that it will not disclose or use your registration information and the non-public content stored in the morning rhinoceros when you use the morning rhinoceros for any purpose. Except in the following cases:

2.1. Information that you disclose on the Internet or other legally disclosed personal information;

2.2. Personal information obtained by legal channels;

2.3. Obtain your explicit authorization in advance;

2.4. To safeguard the public interest;

2.5. A land network or school, research institution, etc. based on public interest for academic research or statistical purposes, and open methods are not sufficient to identify a specific natural person;

2.6. You infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the Internet, in order to protect the aforementioned legal rights and interests, and to the extent necessary;

2.7. According to the requirements of the relevant government authorities or according to relevant laws, regulations and policies.

VI. Rights and obligations of both parties
1. User rights and obligations

1.1. You have the right to decide and have the obligation to manage the relevant graphics, audio, video and other information and materials you created on the morning rhinoceros platform.

1.2. You shall legally use the services provided by amRhino in accordance with the stipulations of this Agreement, comply with relevant national laws, regulations and administrative regulations, and may not use the services provided by amRhino to engage in activities prohibited by national laws and regulations on the Internet, and may not be used for others. Provide any convenience or release of information content that does not comply with national regulations, and assume supervisory duties for all content uploaded to the Internet website through the account of the school principal. A soil network does not bear the consequences that the service cannot be effectively obtained due to the failure of the school principal to use it in the manner prescribed by this agreement or in an illegal manner.

1.3. You are solely responsible for any economic, political, legal and other liabilities arising from the use of the services provided by the Internet. You agree that, except for the cause of the Internet, if there is any incident related to the Internet, the Internet shall not assume any responsibility or obligation to this party or to the third party.

1.4. You promise to conduct comprehensive inspections of video, audio, files, pictures, etc., and filter them one by one; and promise to thoroughly clean up harmful information such as pornographic videos and related news, and close the registration account for disseminating pornographic videos related to pornography.

1.5. You may not engage in any violations, including but not limited to the following, and may not facilitate the following violations (including but not limited to facilitating the actions of users of your application):

	1.5.1. Violation of the provisions of the Constitution or laws and regulations;

	1.5.2. Endangering national security, revealing state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

	1.5.3. Damage to the national interest and interests, harming the public interest;

	1.5.4. Inciting national hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining national unity;

	1.5.5. Destroy the national religious policy and promote cults and feudal superstitions;

	1.5.6. Dissemination of rumors, disrupting social order and undermining social stability;

	1.5.7. Disperse obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetment;

	1.5.8. Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of others;

	1.5.9. Infringement of the legal rights of other people's intellectual property rights, trade secrets, etc.;

	1.5.10. Malicious fictional facts, concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

	1.5.11. Publish, transmit, and distribute advertising information and spam;

	1.5.12. Contains other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

1.6. You may not use the following methods to log in to the morning rhinoceros platform or to disrupt the services provided by the morning rhinoceros platform:

	1.6.1. Access or log into the morning rhinoceros platform using any robot software, spider software, crawler software, screen software or other automated means;

	1.6.2. Acts that cause or may cause unreasonable or disproportionately significant loads to the internal structure of the Company by any means;

	1.6.3. Interfere with or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the morning rhinoceros platform or any activity performed on the morning rhinoceros platform by any means.

	1.6.4. You agree to receive information from the Chennao Platform, including but not limited to platform rules information, event information, transaction information, promotional information, etc.

2. Morning Rhino's rights and obligations

	2.1. Morning Rhinoceros shall provide services to users in accordance with this Agreement and its annexes.

	2.2. ETU Network has the right to adjust the arrangement of the interface of the morning rhinoceros platform, the name and logo of the morning rhinoceros at any time after notifying you by SMS, website publicity, mail, telephone or written.

	2.3. The two parties agree: According to the relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of the management department, the website can supervise the content you publish using the morning rhinoceros service, and can supervise whether the activities you use to use the morning rhinoceros service have been approved, approved and filed by the relevant state departments. . If you find that you have violated this agreement or have violated laws or regulations, the state organs, including but not limited to public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts, communications administrations, etc., take legal measures against you, or Chen Rhino receives third-party rights holders. For your claim, Chennai reserves the right to suspend the services under this agreement after notifying you. After the above problems are found and processed, the agreement will be continued, or the termination agreement will be submitted at any time. The loss is responsible. If the relevant damage is caused to the morning rhinoceros for the foregoing reasons, the loss will be borne by you.

	2.4. If the relevant government department issues a service ban or similar request under this agreement to the local network, and asks the morning rhinoceros to take immediate measures, in the case of ensuring the recoverability of your data, the morning The rhinoceros can be processed first without the consent of the school administrator and without any liability for this.

	2.5. In case of service interruption, ETU Network shall not be responsible for any refund, compensation, breach of contract or liability.

	2.6. You will be provided with the appropriate service based on the type of service you choose. You understand and agree that based on the comprehensive factors such as user experience and operational safety of the morning rhinoceros, Chennai has the right to choose the target of providing services, and has the right to determine the object and scope of function opening, data interface and related data disclosure, and has the right to decide the circumstances. Suspension or Termination of the Service to Developers or Apps that have, but are not limited to, the following:

		2.6.1. Violation of laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement;

		2.6.2. Affecting the user experience;

		2.6.3. There are security risks;

		2.6.4. Similar or identical to the main function or functional components of the morning rhinoceros, or the main utility of the above functional or functional components;

		2.6.5. The interface, style, function, description or user experience is similar to that of the morning rhinoceros, which may cause the morning rhinoceros merchant to mistakenly believe that the function or service it uses is derived from the morning rhinoceros or authorized by the morning rhinoceros;

		2.6.6. Violation of the operating principles of the morning rhinoceros, or does not meet the other management requirements of the morning rhinoceros.

VII. confidentiality provisions
1. Confidential information refers to information that is not disclosed by a party, including but not limited to business plans, customer lists, software codes, technical data, know-how, product ideas, development plans, staff lists, organizational structures, operating manuals, processing techniques, and technical theory. , inventions, financial situation and other materials that are agreed upon as confidential information when delivered by one party (hereinafter collectively referred to as "confidential information"). The manifestations of confidential information include, but are not limited to, computer data forms; written or picture forms such as words, graphics, symbols, etc.; other media forms that record sounds and images; and forms of oral communication.

2. Disclosure of confidential information in the following cases is not subject to this Privacy Policy:

	2.1. Information has been or has been received prior to accepting confidential information.

	2.2. Information that is known to the public unless such disclosure is a consequence of a breach of this Agreement.

	2.3. Disclosure in accordance with the instructions of a court or government department with jurisdiction, but in these cases, the recipient should inform the disclosed party prior to disclosure so that the disclosed party has an opportunity to defend, limit or prevent the occurrence of such a state of affairs. .

	2.4. One Land Network may disclose you as its customer in writing or verbally within the term of this Agreement.

VIII. intellectual property rights
1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, you acknowledge that the rights of any materials, software, data, etc. provided by TT Network belong to the Internet, and you have no right to transmit, transfer, license or provide others to use or share these resources. It should bear the losses caused by this network.

2. Regardless of whether there are other agreements in this agreement, both parties confirm that the services provided by Morning Rhino do not include any representations of the transfer, authorization or license of the intellectual property rights of amRhino.

3. During the performance of this Agreement, ETU Network and both of you shall use only the company name, trademark, trade name, brand, domain name and website authorized by the other party under this Agreement to serve the contents agreed by both parties in this Agreement. Other business contents or business purposes shall not be entrained; the parties shall use the name, domain name and website authorized by the other party in their own promotional materials, business cards, marketing, website construction and any other aspects, and must notify the other party in writing and obtain the written copy of the other party. It can be done after the license. Otherwise, one party has the right to terminate the agreement at any time by written notice to the other party, and the other party shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom and compensate for the losses caused to the other party or the related company.

4. The parties undertake not to derogate or otherwise damage the trademarks, business names, domain names, etc. owned by the other party during the performance of this agreement and after the expiration of this agreement, and do not derogate, plagiarize, distort or destroy the other Internet pages or websites. Or other damage. In the event of any occurrence, either party has the right to immediately terminate the agreement and retain the right to legal proceedings.

5. Without the written authorization of the other party, one party may not apply for the relevant intellectual property rights in the name of the company, brand, domain name, technology, software, trade secrets, etc. authorized by the other party, otherwise the relevant rights shall be transferred to the other party without compensation. It shall also compensate for all losses caused by the other party or the affiliated company.

IX. Disclaimer
1. Other users have the right to comment on the information you post on the morning rhinoceros platform. You will be responsible for the adverse effects on the negative information that may be included in the comments.

2. You understand and agree that in order to provide you with better services, ETU Network has the right to overhaul, maintain, upgrade, etc. the platform or related equipment that provides the service on a regular or irregular basis. The service is interrupted or suspended within a reasonable time. If you cause losses to you, you agree to waive the responsibility of the Internet.

3. You understand and agree that the services of the Continental Network are provided in accordance with the current state of the art and conditions. ETU Network will do its utmost to provide services to ensure the continuity and security of the service; however, the company cannot guarantee that the services it provides will be flawless, and it will not be able to anticipate and prevent legal, technical and other risks at any time, including However, it is not limited to service interruption, data loss, and other losses and risks that may be caused by force majeure, viruses, Trojans, hacking, system instability, third-party services, government actions, etc. Therefore, you also agree that even if the services provided by ETU Network are flawed, the above-mentioned defects are unavoidable at the time of the industry's technical level, and they will not be regarded as a network default, and at the same time, the data or information caused to you. If you lose such loss, you agree to waive the responsibility of a network.

4. You understand and agree that ETU Network shall not be liable for any damages caused by any of the following circumstances, including but not limited to damages for profits, goodwill, use, data, etc. or other intangible losses:

4.1. A Land Network has the right to suspend, suspend or terminate the provision of the Service or any part thereof and to remove your information based on unilateral judgment, including but not limited to the fact that the Territory Network believes that you have violated the express provisions and spirit of this Agreement. data.

4.2. If necessary, the website will terminate the service without prior notice, and suspend, close or delete the account and all relevant information and files in your account, and return all legal funds you have stayed in the account. Your collection account.

5. System interruption or failure: If the system fails to operate normally due to the following conditions, and you are unable to use the services, the network will not be liable for damages, including but not limited to:

5.1. amRhino is during the system shutdown maintenance announced on the amRhino website.

5.2. If the telecommunication equipment fails, data transmission cannot be performed.

5.3. Service interruption or delay caused by technical adjustments or failures in the telecommunications sector, website upgrades, third-party issues (such as WeChat).

6. You understand and agree that in the course of using the Service, you may encounter risk factors such as force majeure, which may cause the Service to be interrupted. Force majeure is an objective event that cannot be foreseen, cannot be overcome, and cannot be avoided and has a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, plague epidemics and storms, and social events such as war, turmoil, government actions, etc. . In the above situation, ETU Network will try its best to cooperate with the relevant units in the first time and repair it in time. If this causes losses to you, you agree to waive the responsibility of the Internet.

7. You understand and agree that if you suffer losses due to interruption or interruption of the services caused by the following circumstances, you agree to waive the responsibility of the Internet:

7.1. This service was not provided due to the intention of a network.

7.2. Loss of you and / or any third party due to your intention or negligence

7.3. Damaged by computer viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs, hackers;

7.4. The computer software, system, hardware and communication lines of you or the Internet have failed;

7.5. You are not operating properly;

7.6. You use the Service by way of a non-local network authorization;

7.7. Other uncontrollable or reasonably foreseeable situations

7.8. A soil network service due to force majeure is not available.

8. As a result of your violation of national laws and regulations, ETU Network has the right to act at any time according to the requirements of the relevant state regulatory agencies, or other legal obligations issued by other third party rights, and the mandatory obligations contained in the judicial documents. Suspension or termination of service to you, you agree that all consequences and liabilities arising therefrom are not related to the Internet. For the loss caused by you, the Land Network does not have to bear any responsibility.

9. You confirm that only the data is distributed, transferred, cached, etc. in the process of the Internet service, and the data itself is not processed. If you are infringing or violating national laws, regulations or public ethics during the use of the services provided by the Continental Network, you are not aware of this and the Internet, based on the laws and regulations of the Information Network Communication Rights Protection Regulations. A soil network does not assume any responsibility for this. Based on the technical characteristics of cloud acceleration, you should take backup measures by automatically downloading the accelerated content that is automatically obtained from your source site or pushed by you. That is, you should properly back up the original data. ETU Network is not responsible for the loss of the original data of your source site.

10. The parties acknowledge that in the performance of this Agreement, the parties to the Agreement are solely responsible for the parties to the Agreement without liability or performance of any third party other than the parties. ETU Network is not responsible for the losses caused to you or other third parties due to the acts or omissions of third parties, and does not assume any responsibility for the loss of third parties who indirectly accept a network service through you.

11. The Disclaimer of this Agreement will remain in effect after the termination of this Agreement.

X. Default clause
1. If you violate the provisions of this agreement in the course of using the services provided by ETU Network, infringement or violation of national laws, regulations or public ethics, ETU Network shall have the right to notify you of the correction at the request of the relevant competent authority. At the same time, temporarily suspend the service, or notify you of the right to suspend the service after receiving the claim of the relevant right holder, until you rectify the satisfaction of the competent department or you provide sufficient evidence of non-infringement or non-violation; If the circumstances are serious, or violations occur more than three times, ETU Network has the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement immediately after notifying you, and you bear the losses and adverse consequences. If the damage caused by the reputation of a soil network or the related business/qualification is limited, the company has the right to demand compensation.

2. If a website discovers or receives reports from others or complains that you violate this agreement, ETU Network reserves the right to delete or block the relevant content at any time without notice, and includes, but is not limited to, the offending account according to the behavior. Warn, restrict or prohibit the use of some or all of the features, account bans until the cancellation of the penalty, and announce the results.

3. You understand and agree that ETU Network has the right to impose penalties on violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement in accordance with reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal action against any user who violates laws and regulations, and keep relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations. For departmental reports, etc., you shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom.

4. Any loss caused by your fault is at your own risk. The fault includes but is not limited to: failure to follow the prompts, forgotten or leaking the password, the password is cracked by others, and the computer you are using is invaded by others.

5. Since you have not updated the information in time, any error occurs when the service cannot be provided or provided, and you must bear all the consequences arising therefrom.

6. If a network discovers that you are fraudulent, cashing, etc., in violation of laws, regulations, this agreement or related terms of service, or the existence of an Internet network that is deemed inappropriate, the company has the right to warn you according to the severity of the situation. Restrict or prohibit the use of some or all of the functions, ban your merchant account and other penalties; any claims, claims or losses resulting from or resulting in third-party claims shall be borne by you at your own risk and not related to the Internet; If you also suffer losses, you should also compensate them.

7. Even if the Service is terminated, you shall be liable for possible breach of contract or damages for all actions during your use of the Service.

XI. Supplementary provisions
1. The signing place of this agreement is Chaoyang District, Beijing.

2. This Agreement is effective when you check "I have read and agreed to the "One Land Network Service Agreement"", and the validity period covers the entire cooperation period of both parties. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, this Agreement will continue to be in effect during your use of the Service.

3. Other relevant agreements, rules, etc. about the service that may be continuously released by the Internet. Once the above content is officially released, it is an integral part of this agreement and you should also abide by it. In the event of any conflict between the above content and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. By registering or using any of the Services under this Agreement, you are deemed to have read and agree to be bound by this Agreement and the foregoing. The company has the right to unilaterally modify this agreement or the above content if necessary. If the content is changed, if you continue to use the service, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised content. If you do not accept the revised content, you should stop using the service.

4. A Territory Network waives the rights set forth in this Agreement if you negligently or breaches the contract, and shall not be deemed to have abstained from your negligence or breach of contract for other or future similarities.

5. A soil network may serve you about this service by one or more of webpage announcements, webpage prompts, e-mails, mobile phone text messages, and internal mailings in the management system of your registered service account. The various rules, notices, reminders, etc., which are published or sent by any of the above methods, are deemed to have been accepted and agreed to be binding on you. If you do not accept it, please stop using the morning rhinoceros, otherwise you will accept it and agree. Since the information provided by your e-mail address, mobile phone number, mailing address, etc. is incorrect, and you have not received the relevant rules, notices, tips, etc., you agree that you still have received the relevant information and are bound by it, all consequences and The responsibility is your responsibility.

6. The establishment, entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (excluding the conflict of laws).

7. Due to disputes arising from this agreement, both parties shall first resolve the dispute through negotiation; if the parties fail to resolve the matter in good faith, either party shall submit the dispute or dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction over the place where the agreement is signed.

8. The preparation and interpretation of this agreement are subject to Chinese. Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, any translation of this Agreement shall not be used as a basis for interpreting this Agreement or determining the intentions of the parties.

9. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable, the foregoing provisions may be separated and the remaining provisions shall remain in force.

10. The headings of all the terms of this Agreement are for convenience only and have no actual meaning and cannot be used as a basis for interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.

11. The final interpretation and revision rights of this agreement belong to the Internet.